The most demanded works and renovations in Communities mainly have to do with issues related to accessibility.

In Communities, works are usually carried out on facades, roofs, almost always to make certain spaces more accessible. They improve, expand, or introduce new facilities, redistribute interior spaces, but always complying with the current urban regulations. Sometimes, works are carried out to adapt the building to the minimum criteria established by the Technical Building Code (CTE). Occasionally, there are works on the building envelope that affect the facades and roofs but without altering their volume, and other times; they are restructuring works in which their morphological conditions are varied, implying a modification of their structure. There are also restoration works to restore a building to its original state, based on the documents that certify its original condition. These would be the works carried out with the objective of removing foreign elements added to the roofs and facades, recovery of cornices and eaves removed in previous interventions, restoration of the facades’ coatings, to give some examples. When dealing with these reforms, it is normal for numerous doubts to arise within the community of neighbors itself. To solve all of them, we are here, get in touch with us and we will organize a contact meeting to resolve them.

For proper decision-making in carrying out works in Community properties, consult us without obligation.

Ponce Soto Obras y Servicios has extensive experience in Community renovations.

If you are thinking of carrying out works that concern Community properties, the first step is to reach an agreement. It is advisable to know what the law says in this regard, and the necessary agreements to carry out a proposal of works that affect all owners. This process can be a bit arduous, so we offer our immediate advisory services, to make it much more manageable. We have a team of wonderful industry-leading professionals, with the necessary experience to bring your community’s good disposition to a successful conclusion.

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